Bill Henderson

Who I am, Where I Work and What I Do

I am a lawyer, formerly with the firm of Lang Michener in Toronto, Canada. As of January 1, 1996 I have hung out my shingle on the Internet and now work as a sole practitioner. This makes a big difference in my overhead expense. A great deal of my work is done on behalf of Aboriginal groups, mostly First Nations and mostly in Ontario.

My home town is Niagara Falls, Ontario. I have spent considerable time in many parts of Canada, and moved to Toronto after graduating from the University of Ottawa Law School in 1980. I have lived here ever since. My son is now attending the University of Toronto and is half way to completing his honours degree. Like his father, he enjoys sailing (we don't do enough), photography (ditto) and scuba diving (ditto again). We also manage to get in the odd game of golf together. My handicap is a slice, but a very good one.

When I am not otherwise engaged, I can often be found surfing the net to keep the links on these pages up-dated. The subjects relate basically to my work and to my interests; these links are to sites I like to visit myself. Between work and HTML, I don't get a chance to do much writing, which I enjoy. Over the years, I have managed a few publications all relating to Aboriginal issues.

Here's a list of them:


1994: Survey of Aboriginal Land Claims
(with Derek Ground) 26 Ottawa Law Review 187

1993: Indian Reserve Land Management
(paper prepared for Insight Conference)

1991: Evidentiary Problems in Aboriginal Title Cases,
[1991] L.S.U.C. Special Lectures 165

1989: Child Welfare Proceedings: Indian Band Reps Practice Manual
(prepared for Union of Ontario Indians)

1988: Indians and Taxation (Chiefs of Ontario)

1986: Problems of Proving Aboriginal and Treaty Rights
in "Practicing Law for a Native Clientele"
(C.B.A. (Ont.) Annual Institutes)

1985: The Canadian Encyclopedia (1st ed.):
"NativePeople, Law",
"Indian Act",
"Indian Treaties",
"Aboriginal Rights"

1985: Litigating Native Claims,
19 L.S.U.C. Gazette 174

1985: Canadian Judicial and Legal Philosophies
on the Doctrine of Aboriginal Rights

in (Menno & Boldt, eds.) "The Quest for Justice" (U. of T. Press)

1984: Constitutional Affirmation of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights,
in "Current Issues in Aboriginal and Treaty Rights"
(C.B.A. (Ont.) Conference; Ottawa)

1981: Canada's Indian Reserves: Jurisdiction (DIAND)

1980: Canada's Indian Reserves: The Usufruct in our Constitution,
12 Ottawa Law Review 167

1980: Canada's Indian Reserves: Pre-Confederaton (DIAND)

1979: Land Tenure in Indian Reserves (DIAND)

L.S.U.C. = Law Society of Upper Canada
DIAND = Dept. of Indian Affairs & Northern Development

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