Assembly of First Nations
First Nations Web Site
First Nations Online
Resources for Indian Schools: First Nations of Canada
First Nations Profile - 1995
Canada's Native Peoples (Brief Gov't History)
First Nations Directory
Friendship Centres
Metis Nation Homepage
The Other Métis
Inuit & Arctic Peoples
Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
Native Nations of North America
Tribal Contacts
Aboriginal Resources (U. Sask)
Canada's First Peoples (Museum of Civilization)
Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
Canada's Response to the RCAP Report
First Perspective
Wawatay Communications
Anishnabek News
Chiefs of Ontario News Bulletin
Dibaudjimoh (Nawash)
Alberta Sweetgrass
Saskatchewan Sage
Raven's Eye
Nunatsiaq News
Aboriginal Youth Today
AYN News Centre
Redwire Magazine
First Nations Events Calendar
Canadian Aboriginal Superinformation Highway
Spirit Of Aboriginal Enterprise
Aboriginal Business Canada
Info Guide: Starting an Aboriginal Business in Ont.
Federal Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business
Aboriginal Procurement Training Insitute
Interactive Business Planner
CESO Aboriginal Services
Native Investment & Trade Ass'n
Aboriginal Business & Tourism
Centre for International Aboriginal Trade
Aboriginal Trade & Market Expansion Initiative (Federal)
Dept. of Foreign Affairs & International Trade
Aboriginal Net
Aboriginal Music Project
First Nations Music
Sweet Grass Records
Events Calendar
Aboriginal Youth Network
First Nations/First Peoples Issues
Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with Native Peoples
Peace Brigades International (PBI)
Lost Bird Web Page
Saw-Whet Links
Native Book Centre
Métis Bookstore Online
The Royal Proclamation - 1763
Quebec Act - 1774
Constitution Acts from 1867 - 1993
Cree-Naskapi Commission Web Site
Gwichin Claim
Settlement Act
Sahtu Dene &
Métis Claim Settlement Act
Nunavut Claim
Settlement Act
Nunavut Implementation Commission
Yukon FN Claim
Settlement Act
Nisga'a Treaty AIP
(264K) and (Highlights)
Map of Proposed Nisga'a
BC Treaty
Commission Act
BC Treaty Commission Web Site
Summary of Current
Comprehensive (Aboriginal Title) Claims
Indian Specific Claims Commission
The Cree Struggle Against the Great Whale Project
Pictou Landing Indian Band (Claim) Agreement Act
The Metis Resource Centre
Métis Grievances
Other Métis Links
Manitoba: First Nations Claims
Split Lake Cree First Nation Flooded Land Act
Manitoba Treaty Land Entitlement
Summary of Saskatchewan TLE Settlement Agreement
GST Remission Order to Acquire Sask. TLE Lands
Alberta Treaty Land Entitlement
The Lubicon Archive
Historical Overview of BC Claims
BC Reserve Commission Census (1877)
BC Treaty Commission Web Site
Summary Report: Social and Economic Impacts of Claims Settlements in BC or (Full Report - 93K)
Eco-Thoughts on Aboriginal Land Issues
Aboriginal Rights Coalition (BC)
Settlers in Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
Settlers Opposed to Indigenous Rights
BC Archives Online
National Archives of Canada
Hudson's Bay Company Archives
Arctic Research Links
Assembly of First Nations
Inuit Tapirisat of Canada
A Confederacy of Métis Peoples
National Ass'n of Friendship Centres
Atlantic Policy Congress of FN Chiefs
Union of NS Indians
Confederacy of Mainland Micmacs (NS)
Aboriginal Associations in NB
Regroupement des centres d'amitié autochtones du Québec
Chiefs of Ontario
Union of Ontario Indians
Ontario Metis Aboriginal Association
Métis Nation of Ontario
Southern Ontario Métis and Non-Status Association
Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC)
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak
Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN)
Aboriginal Friendship Centres of Saskatchewan
Confederacy of Treaty 6 First Nations
Treaty 7 Tribal Council
North Peace Tribal Council
Alberta Native Friendship Centre Association
Treaty 8 Tribal Council
Carrier Sekani Tribal Council (BC)
Nisga'a Tribal Council
Shuswap Nation Tribal Council
Te'mexw Treaty Association
BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres (BCAAFC)
Aboriginal Women's Council (BC/Yukon)
NWT Council of Friendship Centres
North Slave Metis Alliance (NWT)
Aboriginal Liaison Directorate
First Peoples' Cultural Foundation
Native Student Union
Miawpukek (Nfld]
St. John's Friendship Centre
Innu Nation/ Mamit Innuat Homepage
Labrador Métis Homepage
Labrador Inuit Homepage
Mi'kmaq Communities of Unama'ki (Cape Breton)
First Nations in New Brunswick
Tobique Reserve (Maliseet)
Map of Aboriginal Communities in Québec
Listuguj [Que]
Crees of Northern Quebec
CreeNet Communities
Cree Nation of Mistissini
Cree Nation of Oujé-Bougoumou
Kahnawake (Que]
Premiers Peuples (Québec]
Directory of Ontario First Nations (109K)
Odawa Friendship Center (Ottawa)
Iroquois Confederacy Links
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte [Ont]
Six Nations of the Grand River Territory
Mississaugas of New Credit (Schoolnet)
Pine Tree Native Centre of Brant
Fort Erie Native Centre
Niagara Regional Friendship Centre
Chippewas of the Thames (Schoolnet)
Moravians of the Thames First Nation (Schoolnet)
Walpole Island First Nation (Schoolnet)
Native Canadian Centre of Toronto
Serpent River First Nation
Timmins Friendship Centre
Friendship Centres in Ontario (click on 'Centres')
First Nations Communities of Manitoba
Wapinigo/Hollow Water Reserve, Man. (Schoolnet)
Oscar Blackburn School: South Indian Lake
Friendship Centres in Manitoba
Aboriginal Friendship Centres of Saskatchewan
Alberta: Maps of Reserves & Métis Settlements
Kainaiwa Nation (Blood)
Piikani Nation (Peigan)
Siksika Nation (Blackfoot)
Stoney Nation
Tsuu T'ina Nation (Sarcee)
Alberta Friendship Centres
Fox Lake (Cree)
BC First Nations also Directory of Bands and Tribal Councils and Other Organizations
Neskonlith (Shuswap Nation)
Nisga'a (Schoolnet)
Ts'ks'aylaxw First Nation
Friendship Centres in BC
Tillicum Haus Native Centre (Nanaimo)
Friendship Centres in the NWT
Hay River Metis Nation
Fort Providence Dene Band
NWT Community Profiles
Directory of Yukon Communities
Flags of Canadian First Peoples
Aboriginal Natural Resources Conference
Banff: Dec. 7-10/98 & May 10-13/99
Canada's 1996 Report to the UN: Sustainable Development
DIAND: Sustainable Development Policy South of '60
NRC: Sustainable Development of Minerals & Metals
ACJ Net: Legislative Options for Sustainable Development
ACJ Net: Environmental Links
West Coast Environmental Law Web
Arctic Circle: Natural Resources
Native Americans and the Enviroment
Indigenous Womens' Environmental Network
Cultural Survival Canada
Federal Strategy on Biodiversity
Canadian Environmental Law Association
Aboriginal Environmental Enterprises
Aboriginal Fisheries Management in Canada
Native Americans and the Environment: Fishing
Fisheries Act (Can)
Regulations Under the Fisheries Act
DFO Homepage
Federal Salmon Strategy for Labrador Salmon (1997)
Mi'kma'ki Aboriginal Fisheries Service & (Update)
Miíkmaq/Maliseet Fisheries Policy
Native Fishers Organizations (NS & NB)
Facts about Lake of the Woods Fishery
Te'mexw Traditional Fishery (BC)
Coast Salish History & Rights
The Importance of Salmon to the Tribes (US)
The Stó:lo Historical Salmon Trade
The Aboriginal Right to Fish
Statement on Salmon Farming Moratorium (1997)
Speech: The Thriving of Wild Salmon
The BC Salmon Page
Toy Report: Intersectoral Allocations of Fish in BC (1998)
BC's Policy on Aboriginal Fisheries
Canada/BC Agreement on Pacific Salmon Issues (1997)
Canada's Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy & (Maritimes Region) & (1997 Update)
AFS Aboriginal Fish Guardian Program
DFO Maritimes: Aboriginal Allocation Transfer Program
Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences
Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations
ACF Licence Example (Maritimes)
Ont. MNR Intent to Impose Two ACF Licences (1996) and Negotiations Continue (1998)
Ont. Agrees to Co-Management and Funding for Non-Native Commercial Fishers (1998)
Concerns About Ont. MNR Fisheries Management
AFS Position: Introduction of Fish Species
AFS Position: Biodiversity
NewsLetter: Great Lakes Fish & Wildlife Habitat Rehabitation
Great Lakes Atlas & Resource Book *** (1995)
Great Lakes Fisheries Commission
Great Lakes Lamprey Control Program
Great Lakes Commission: Report on Water Resources (1996)
Deep Ecology: Fisheries and Aboriginals (59K)
Suzuki Fnd'n: Fisheries That Work
Essay: Comanagement of Aboriginal Resources in Canada
The State of Canada's Forest (1997)
Note Chapter on Traditional Ecological Knowledge (Adobe Format)
First Nations Forests
Taiga News: Indigenous Rights & Forests
National Aboriginal Forestry Association
First Nation Forestry Program (Can)
Canadian Forests Homepage
Forest Net
Canadian Sustainable Forestry Certification Coalition
WWW Virtual Library: Sustainable Forests
WWW Virtual Library: Forestry
Native Americans and the Environment: Forestry
Gaia: Canadian Forests News & Links
Taiga Ecosystem
Long Beach Model Forest
Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel
NB NRE News (Incudes Aboriginal Logging)
Algoma Forest Coalition
Temagami Forest Links
Temagami Land Caution Archive
Ontario's "Lands for Life" Policy
OMAA Court Challenge to "Lands for Life" Policy
Ontario "Lands for Life" Links
Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre
Article: A Futures Market in Constitutional Rights?
Changes to Migratory Game Birds Convention (1995) (Ratified by US - 1997)
Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (Can)
Nunavut Wildlife Management Board
CoManagement of Caribou
Porcupine Caribou Management Board
Public Lands Act (Can)
Aboriginal Peoples and Gun Control @ CFC Site
Other Environmenal & Resource Links
Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
Government of Canada
Federal Programs for Rural Areas
First Nations & Inuit Health Services
Solicitor General of Canada
Aboriginal Policing Directorate
Provincial & Territorial Governments
NS Dept. of Aboriginal Affairs
NB Dept. of Aboriginal Affairs
Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones (Qué)
Ontario Native Affairs Secretariat
Saskatchewan Aboriginal Affairs
Alberta: Intergovernmental & Aboriginal Affairs
British Columbia Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
Federal Policy on Self-Government Negotiations
Reform Party Policy on Aboriginal Governments
Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act (Can)
Mi'kmaq Education Act (Can)
NS: Strategic Goals and Objectives
NB: Aboriginal Policy Commitments
Québec: Plus d'autonomie pour les autochtones
Resumé of Québec's Official Policy
Ontario Policy: Aboriginal Self-Reliance
Manitoba: Framework for Relationships
Sask: Aboriginal Affairs' Mandate
Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority
Understanding on Alberta/First Nations Relations
Understanding between Alberta/Treaty 8 First Nations
Canada/Alberta/Metis Nation Tripartite Process
Alberta/Metis Nation Framework Agreement
Alberta Metis Settlements Legislation (1) (2) (3)
Secwepemc (Shuswap) Land, Resource & Governance Interests
BC Position on Self-Government Component of Treaties
BC's Crown Lands and Aboriginal Policy Framework
BC Hydro Positions
Inuvialuit: A Corporate Approach
Essay: Nunavut - Uncharted Path to Self Government
Options for Court Structures in Nunavut
Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal
Indigenous Land Use Information Project
Self-Government Sechelt Style
Essay: Sorting Out Self Government Jurisdiction
Constitutional Issues in Self-Government (1992)
First Nations Land Management Act (Bill C-49; 1998)
First Nations Technical Institute (Tyendinaga)
Northern Learning Network
Aboriginal Programs at the Banff Centre
The Indigenous Education Network of OISE/UT
Aboriginal Post-Secondary Studies in Education - Canada
BC MOE Aboriginal Education Pages
First Nations Education Centre (Tsimshian)
Casino Rama
Canada's Native Sports
Native Hockey Players
National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
PhilKon's Native American Resources Site
American West Indian Page
Native American Resources
IHS Links Page
NativeNet HotList
NativeNet Links
The NativeWeb
NativeWeb Nations Index
NativeWeb Search Engine
GLRAIN Pointers
American Indian Website Library
Native American Sites
First Nations/First Peoples Issues
Native American Women on the Web
Indian Data
BIA Statistics
Directory of Tribes
Official & Unofficial Tribal Sites
ATIIN: Tribal Governments Online
Search Native American Sites
Map of US Reservations
Computer Resources for Indian Schools ****
Cradle Board Links
Great Lakes Regional American Indian Network
American Indian Link Exchange
Four Worlds Development Institute
Native American Political Issues
ATIIN: Native American Cybertrade
National Congress of American Indians
Abenaki Indian Center
The Oneida Nation
Seminole Tribe of Florida
Seminole Reservations
Minnesota Indian Affairs Council
The Sioux Nation
Rosebud Sioux Reservation
United Keetoowah Cherokees
Kaw Nation (OK)
The Wyandot Nation of Kansas
Dineh Alliance Home Page
Tlingit National Anthem: Alaska Natives Online
Bristol Bay Tribal Communities
Other Tribes and Pueblos
Fort Stanwix Treaty
Fort Hamar Treaty
Canandaigua Treaty
Treaty with
Oneida, Tuscarora and Stockbridge Munsee (1794)
Battle: Fallen
Timbers (1794)
Treaty of Greenville
Treaty with New
York Indians (1838)
Treaty with
the Oneida (Green Bay 1838)
with Chippewa and Odawa Nations (1836)
with Chippewa (1837)
Treaty withChippewa (1842)
with Chippewa (1854)
Quinault River Treaty (Wash. St.
Hawaii-US Treaty, 1826
Hawaii-US Treaty, 1849
Hawaii-US Treaty, 1875
Hawaii-US Treaty, 1884
See More Treaties Online at
This Week in American Indian History
First Nations Histories
US Historical Documents
Wabanaki/Abenaki Links
Passamaquoddy Origins
Indians of the Great Basin
Cherokee National Historical Society
Alihelisdi's Home Page (Cherokee - AB)
Osage Research Home Page
Indians of California
Alaskan Native Knowledge Net
Arctic Studies Center
Hawai'i Sovereignty and Culture Links
Native American Resources at the Smithsonian
Native American Bibliography
Meanings of Tribal Names
Native Americans and the Environment: Fishing
Wampanoag Fishing Rights (Mass)
Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission
Chippewa/Ottawa Treaty Fishery Management Authority (MI)
Chippewa Treaty Fishing Rights: History and Management (MN & WS)
Understanding the Treaty Fishing Conflict (MN & WS)
Summary of Court Decisions (East and West to 1991)
The Last Indian War: Treaty Fishing Battles in WA (before the Boldt Decision - 1974)
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
CyberLearn Salmon Links
Bibliography: Native American Fishing Rights
American Fisheries Society
Indian Forestry Links
BIA: Forestry Div'n
Issues in Indian Forestry
Intertribal Timber Council
Assessment of Indian Forests and Forestry Management (1993)
USDA Forest Service
American Forests
BIA: Minerals & Energy Div'n
Federal Trust & Endangered Species
Native Americans and the Environment
Planet Peace Envirolink Library
EPA: American Indian Environmental Office
EPA: Tribal Waste Managment
USGS Environmental Issues & Links
BIA: Geographic Data Service Center
Askwitteachik: Congress Watch
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Native American Policies Dataset (Searchable)
Allotment: The Policy That Lost the Land
The General Allotment (Dawes) Act (1887)
Constitutional Status of US Tribes
Dept. of Justice Sovereignty Policy
25 USC Title 25: Indians
Federal Tribal Recognition: Procedures and Applicants
BIA Self-Governance Arrangements
US Office of Tribal Justice
Hawai'i Sovereign Nation-State Movement
Indian Nations & US Citizenship
Government Resources: Native Americans
Indian Child Welfare Law Center
American Indian Ritual Object Repatriation Foundation
Repatriation and Reburial Issues
Smithsonian Repatriation Office
Native American Grave Protection & Repatriation Act
Other US Cultural Protection Legislation
HR Internet Library: Indian Nations & Tribes
Native American Legal Resources (U. OK)
Native American Rights Fund
American Indian Law Review
FindLaw: Indian Law
Tribal Government Gaming
Index of Tribal Gaming Compacts
Proposed Rule: Class III Gaming
American Indian Gambling & Casino Information Centre
Native American Gaming Resources on the Net
Commentary on Indian Gaming
Minnesota Indian Gaming Association
New Mexico Indian Gaming Association
NIGA Casino Directory & Links
The American Indian College Fund
American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES Net)
The Cradleboard Project
List of Tribal Colleges
US Native Student Organizations
Native Americans at Princeton
Native American Law Students Ass'n (U. Maine)
UCLA American Indian Studies
Native American Studies at Oklahoma U
Cornell Native FTP Site
Society of Native American Culture (NCSU)
Native American Journalists Association
Native Publications Online
Native Peoples Magazine
Wotanging Ikche